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Dance smarter Physique Analysis

Did you know that 86%* of dance related injuries happen in the first six weeks of full time training?

I bet you didn't know that most of those could be prevented by a #DanceSmarter Physique Analysis. 

Dance Smarter Physique Analysis and follow up program - in connection with Rosina Andrews Method and Pinnacle Health and Fitness will detect your weaknesses, imbalances and prevent injury as a dancer training intensively.


Working with leading industry dance professionals, Samuel Downing, BA HONS Dance, Level 4 PT and medical practioner George Sotiri  GOsC Registered Osteopath​, B.Ost Med, Level 3 PT who work with Strictly Come Dancing to create fitness plans for sustainability and minimise injury.





  • 45 minute postural and function physique analysis at Pinnacle Health and Fitness Whetstone, London. 

  • Personal exercise plan tailored to your needs

  • 45 minute follow up online personal training session to clarify personal exercise plan 

(Follow up sessions and treatment available at discount) 



ONLINE 1-2-1


  • Online postural and function physique analysis via zoom. 

  • Personal exercise plan tailored to your needs

  • 45 minute follow up online personal training session to clarify personal exercise plan


(Follow up sessions and treatment available at discount) 



GROUP SESSION - February 2024

Hosted at Pinnacle Heath and Fitness, Whetstone, London - Join us for a group Dance Smarter Physique Analysis. 

Includes;  Assessment on the gym floor. 30 minute 1-2-1 follow up zoom session Sam online. Personal exercises 

Maximum of 15 spaces 

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