Dance smarter Physique Analysis
Did you know that 86%* of dance related injuries happen in the first six weeks of full time training?
I bet you didn't know that most of those could be prevented by a #DanceSmarter Physique Analysis.
Dance Smarter Physique Analysis and follow up program - in connection with Rosina Andrews Method and Pinnacle Health and Fitness will detect your weaknesses, imbalances and prevent injury as a dancer training intensively.
Working with leading industry dance professionals, Samuel Downing, BA HONS Dance, Level 4 PT and medical practioner George Sotiri GOsC Registered Osteopath, B.Ost Med, Level 3 PT who work with Strictly Come Dancing to create fitness plans for sustainability and minimise injury.

45 minute postural and function physique analysis at Pinnacle Health and Fitness Whetstone, London.
Personal exercise plan tailored to your needs
45 minute follow up online personal training session to clarify personal exercise plan
(Follow up sessions and treatment available at discount)

ONLINE 1-2-1
Online postural and function physique analysis via zoom.
Personal exercise plan tailored to your needs
45 minute follow up online personal training session to clarify personal exercise plan
(Follow up sessions and treatment available at discount)

GROUP SESSION - February 2024
Hosted at Pinnacle Heath and Fitness, Whetstone, London - Join us for a group Dance Smarter Physique Analysis.
Includes; Assessment on the gym floor. 30 minute 1-2-1 follow up zoom session Sam online. Personal exercises
Maximum of 15 spaces